We are often told that if we want to achieve great success in our business and career, we need to work hard. But is hard work alone enough? I don’t think so.
Here’s a great saying from one of the world’s richest men:
If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die. - Warren Buffett
Buffett is right. You can’t rely on just hard work alone. Because if you did, you’re going to work until you die.
But don’t get me wrong though. I’m not saying that hard work isn’t important. I’m saying that hard work isn’t enough.
This is especially true in today’s world. Take a look at all the successful people who have accomplished extraordinary results in their lives, people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, etc. Yes, these people are hardworking, but they don’t rely solely on hard work alone to create their success.
For example, if you want to catch the sunrise, running in the west direction isn’t going to help you reach your goal. No matter how fast you run, you’re just going to end up at the wrong place faster.
Nokia was once a market leader in the mobile phone industry. But they became obsoleted and were thrown out of the competition by other companies like Samsung and Apple. Do you think Nokia lost its edge because they were lazy? Or do you think Samsung and Apple got there because they work harder than Nokia?
I don’t think it is about working hard. There many other factors you need to consider when it comes to achieving outstanding success in what you do.
And working hard is just one of them.
Also, take these into considerations…
1. Timing
Timing is an extremely important factor that most people neglect and underestimate.
Steve Jobs is an inspirational role model for many entrepreneurs, but if you asked most of them, they will never want to start another Apple. Why? The reason is simple — the timing is off.
Working hard for a goal in the wrong timing is like swimming against the current. You need to put in extra effort to make it. And most people would give up going against the current.
But a more sensible question to ask is why do you want to go against the current in the first place? Why don’t you choose to do something that is going with the current rather than going against it, right?
This is why timing is important. The market sentiment plays a huge role in this.
If you are launching a product or starting a business, you need to consider if the market is ready for what you’re about to put out.
2. System
The second factor you have to consider is your system. Are you running in the right direction? Are you going forward or are moving away from your goals?
Your system needs to be the right system so that you can produce the right results.
Think about it, if you want to start a business selling fruits, what kind of system or approach do you have? Are you going to set up a shop and sell your fruits to the locals? Or are you going to make it big by having a factory producing dried fruits where you can supply to the rest of the country?
It all depends on your end goal and your system. For instance, if you want to earn $10,000 from your fruit-selling business, then yes, you can achieve that goal by setting up a shop, selling fruits to the locals, and perhaps even set up an online order and delivery system.
But what if your goal is to earn $10 million from your fruit-selling business? You’re going to need a completely different system. You need a proper business plan, raise money from venture capitalists, invest heavily in research and development, become a supplier, etc., and consider putting your business on the stock market.
Can you see how your system impacts your level of success?
No matter what system or approach you are using, you need to work hard. But in the end, if you work on the wrong method, you will only get to the wrong place faster.
Therefore, make sure you work hard on the right things. Make sure your approach and the system you use are able to get you the results you desire.
3. Traits
The third factor you none other yourself — the person who is pursuing the success you want.
Your level of confidence, your thinking pattern, and your characteristics have a huge influence on your success. You can be a hard-working person, but if you lack determination, you’re going to switch from project to project.
If you are a pessimist, it may not be helpful even if you are hard-working. You may sabotage your own success because you keep focusing on what can go wrong rather than focusing on the success you want.
In fact, your trait is the most important factor for success.
Steve Jobs once said that passion for success is crucial. He said when people lack passion for what they do, they’re going to give up when things get tough. And that’s true.
If you study the stories of successful people, you will notice that they love what they do. And because of their passion, they are willing to continue to work on it even when things don’t seem to be working out. Those who are not passionate enough are those who often quit halfway.
Achieving extraordinary success is difficult. But difficult doesn’t mean impossible, especially when you have the right traits, characteristics, and mindset for it.
By now, you should understand that hard work alone isn’t enough to produce the success you desire. You need more than just working hard for the things you want.
For instance, you need the timing, the right system, and most importantly, you need to be the right person to create outstanding results.
So, don’t just work hard blindly. Study success, learn from other people’s failures, and don’t forget to also improve and transform yourself so that you become the right person worthy of success.
Learn more from Shawn on his blog, Stunning Motivation.