This One Mindset Will Help You Achieve and Attract More Success Than Ever

Shawn Lim
5 min readJan 25, 2021


Want to learn the ultimate thinking pattern that will attract more success to you than ever?

We all know that our mindset, or the way we think, is extremely important to achieving the success we want.

The way you think will dictate the way you make decisions and take action.

Hence, if you want to change your life, you should start with changing your thinking.

And there is a life-changing mindset you must develop if you want to accomplish outstanding success in life and in everything you do.

This mindset or thinking pattern has been shown and demonstrated by extremely successful people.

Elon Musk is a great example of this way of thinking.

Musk has a big dream of wanting to change the world by making interstellar travel possible. He builds SpaceX so that one day, people could travel and stay on Mars when Earth isn’t inhabitable anymore.

The same goes for Bill Gates.

When Gates was young, he has the dream of making every family access to a personal computer. And that vision of his made him into a billionaire who co-founded Microsoft and made computer possible for everyone.

Similarly, Muhammad Ali has also developed this way of thinking.

Ali didn’t just want to be a boxer, he wanted to be the best. And he did. He once said, “I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was.” If you study Ali, you will notice that he believed he was the best, and he talked and acted exactly as he believed.

So, what is this one mindset that has helped hundreds and even thousands of achieving and attract outstanding success in their lives?

Thinking BIG.

Yes, the mindset that will lift you up from zero to hero is to dream big.

The bigger you dream, the more you are inspired and the more you are going to affect all the people around you to help you achieve your dream.

1. Thinking Big Inspires and Motivates You

“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” — Steve Jobs

Think about it, is earning an additional $100 a month going excites you to jump out of your bed every morning and makes you can’t wait to work harder and longer hours?

The answer is clearly a no.

When your goal or your dream isn’t big and exciting enough, you will never feel inspired and motivated by it. And when that happens, you will never be looking forward to achieving it.

This is why it is important to think and dream big. You want to feel the excitement so that your vision pulls you.

2. Big Dreams Attract People and Opportunity

“People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals — that is, goals that do not inspire them.” — Tony Robbins

Let me ask you, do you prefer to work for a visionary company like Google, Tesla, and Apple, or do you prefer to work for a small company that has no vision at all?

Again, the answer is clear.

People prefer to work for a big company that has an empowering vision and meaning. Why? Because thinking big attracts people and opportunity.

When you dream big and think bold, you inspire not just you, but also those who are around you.

In the meantime, you will also attract opportunities because more people are willing to work for you.

This explains why extraordinary people are able to make it because they attract the resources they need to fulfill their dreams.

On the contrary, when you think small and your dream isn’t exciting, nobody will feel inspired and no one will come to your rescue.

3. Thinking Big Creates Exponential Growth

“Think big. And don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life is too short to think small.” — Tim Ferriss

The strategy you use to earn $5,000 a month and the strategy to earn $1 million a month is different.

You can work at a job and earn $5,000 a month, but if you want to earn $1 million a month, you can’t do that through a job. You need a system or a business to achieve that.

Thus, thinking big will get you out of your comfort zone by doing something that is uncomfortable and forces you to grow.

You are where you are right now because of what you did all this while. Therefore, if you want to make a difference, you need to venture out of your comfort zone and do something different.

And that’s when you will experience exponential growth.

If you continue to do what you do every day, you will continue to get back the same old results.

Growth comes from doing the uncomfortable. Growth is about challenging yourself to do things that seem impossible to achieve.

And the bigger you think, the more creative and resourceful you will become.


The key to success starts with your thinking pattern. When you think and dream big, you will start to attract results and success to you.

Sadly, most people think small and play small. This is why they lack motivation and fail to attract the opportunities to achieve the things they want.

So, change your thinking. Dream big and think big.

Let your dream inspires you. When your vision is exciting enough, you will be pulled by it.

And when that happens, you don’t have to motivate yourself because your dream, your vision, and your goal is inspiring enough to keep you and the people around you to accomplish the extraordinary success you want.


Changing the way you think is difficult, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. And if you want to change the way you think and develop the success mindset, I suggest you learn from the expert, John Assaraf. Register for his free training here and learn how you too, can change your mindset and achieve all the success you have always wanted.

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Shawn Lim
Shawn Lim

Written by Shawn Lim

Hey, this is Shawn. I help achieve their goals and accomplish greater personal success in life. Check out my blog at

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