The 5-Minute Rule on How to Get Rid of Your Negative Emotions
One of the most common problems people face in life and their journey to success is this — negative emotions. If we want to live life to the fullest and achieve better success, we need to learn how to handle the negative emotions that we will inevitably face.
But, how do you manage your emotions, thoughts, and feelings? When you are feeling negative, such as when you are feeling stressed, hurt, or sad, what should you do?
Should you get rid of your negative emotions? Should you pretend it doesn’t matter? Or should you just ignore it?
Well, in this guide, I’m going to share with you a simple 5-Minute Rule I learned from Hal Elrod, the best-selling author of The Miracle Morning and The Miracle Equation.
Hal started his career in direct sales, and he faced countless rejections, failed goals, canceled orders, and many other disappointments throughout his career and in his life.
Not just that, Hal was also involved in a car accident where he was clinically dead for 6 minutes, brought back to life, but the doctor told him he could never walk again. And after that, he was also diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and was told that he only had 30% of surviving it.
However, Hal decided that he was not going to accept the predicament until proved wrong. Hal wanted to live a healthy and happy life.
And so, Hal practiced the 5-Minute Rule he learned from his boss while he was in sales to help him overcome all negative situations and handle his negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
The 5-Minute Rule to Overcoming Negative Emotions
This is how the 5-Minute Rule work…
Whenever you feel negative (sad, angry, disappointed, etc.), put a timer for 5 minutes. And during those 5 minutes, ALLOW yourself to FEEL and EXPRESS all of that frustration, sadness, anger, etc. You can curse, complain, shout, stomp your feet, or punch the wall. You want to feel and express the negative emotions, not suppress them. But once the alarm goes off, stop everything and say this to yourself, “can’t change it!”
Once you have acknowledged that you cannot change the situation, it is time to face it and do something about it. You either have to solve the problem or accept the situation and move on.
This rule is powerful because it allows you to submerge in your feelings and experience your emotions. Rather than running away from your negative emotions, the 5-Minute Rule requires you to feel your emotions, but only for 5 minutes.
And after you have expressed how you feel for 5 minutes, get back to your senses and get ready to face whatever pressing circumstances you are having.
You Always Have a Choice
No matter what negative emotions or feelings you have, big or small, you always have a choice to choose how you should react.
And understand this, your feelings are real. Regardless of whether you feel sad, angry, or happy, your feelings are a part of you, and you don’t have to suppress them.
Hence, practicing the 5-Minute Rule to help you go through tough times and cope with negative emotions could be one of the best methods there is.
I used to think that in order to not be affected by negative emotions, I must learn to become more rational and emotionless. But, that is not the right way to do it. You don’t want to hide your emotions. Your emotions are an important part of you.
Your feelings tell you what is going on deep within you. And you must experience all emotions — sadness, happiness, anger, joy, frustration, etc. Your emotions are what make you human. You don’t have to ignore them, you don’t have to hide them, and you don’t have to suppress them.
Instead, feel them. Feel your feelings and allow yourself to submerge into your emotions. But of course, you want to make sure your negative emotions did NOT get over you. You are still in control, not your emotions.
Hence, the timer, by allowing yourself to feel whatever negative feelings you are feeling for just 5 minutes, will be sufficient.
When you first practice the 5-Minute Rule, you will feel that 5 minutes are too short and not enough. It may take you longer to overcome the negative emotion, but once you get better at managing your emotions, 5 minutes is all you need to get through your emotional roller coaster.
If you want to learn more about managing yourself and personal development, check out my blog at