The 3 Decisions You Need to Make IF You Want to Be Successful in Life

Shawn Lim
7 min readMar 29, 2021


“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” — Tony Robbins

Do you want to be successful? Do you want to live a limitless life where you can achieve everything you want? Do you want to make your dreams and goals a reality, without living in mediocrity anymore?

You can achieve anything you want, but only if you decide on it.

Most people get it wrong. They thought that they want to be successful and they want financial freedom, but they don’t actually decide.

Making a decision means giving it your 100%.

The word ‘decide’ comes from the Latin word, ‘decidere’, which is a combination of 2 words:

De = off
Caedere = cut

And the word, ‘decidere’ means to ‘cut off’.

That means, when you make a decision, it means that it is final. You “cut off” from all other possibilities and make the decision possible no matter what.

When you decided to lose weight, it means that’s it. There’s no negotiation with yourself whether you should go on a diet plan or you should wait until tomorrow.

Making a decision means it is final.

You will never accept anything BUT sticking to the decision.

  • You don’t decide to start a blog and then thinking about procrastinating it.
  • You don’t decide to lose weight and continue the bowl of hot chocolate fudge because you don’t want to waste it.
  • You don’t decide to write a book and then doubt yourself if you can do it and then quit.

No, making a decision means to “cut off” from every other possibility.

Once you have decided, it means you will do it no matter what.

And if you want to achieve extraordinary success in life, there are 3 decisions you need to make. And they are…

1. The Decision to Dream Big and to Believe in It

Yes, the first decision you need to make is the decision to allow yourself to dream big and to believe in your dreams.

Most people don’t dare to dream or think about success because you have bought into the crap that they don’t have what it takes, or they are destined to live in mediocrity.

Never let that happen to you.

The first thing you need to do is to allow yourself to dream again. Anything is possible. The only thing that stops you from achieving the impossible is the limit you created in your head.

And more importantly, you want to have faith and believe that you can do it no matter what happens.

You see, having a big dream is one thing, but to have total faith in your dream and keep telling yourself that you can do it is another.

It is when you truly believe something is possible, you will tap into your potential and make it happen.

Think about it, if an athlete doesn’t believe he can win the competition, do you think he will take part and do his best? No…

The same goes for you.

When you don’t believe something is possible, you will never do it with your best.

Just like if you don’t believe you build a 7-figure business, you will never want to take the necessary actions. Why? Because you don’t believe in it, so why even try, right?

Hence, decide right now that you are going to dream big and believe in your dreams.

Here’s what you need to understand:

“It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.”

Action Steps:

Decide to dream big and believe that you can do it. Practice affirmations, write down your goals every day, visualize the success you want and see yourself as already there. No matter what you do, keep your faith and spirit high.

Here are some resources that may help:

2. The Decision to Take Massive Action No Matter What Happen

The second decision you must make if you want to be successful and live your dream life is to commit to taking massive action no matter what happens.

The problem with most people is that they ONLY commit to taking massive action in the early stage.

When they feel motivated, they take a lot of action. And usually, that was when they first started.

But as time goes by, when they face difficulties, when they are taking action but are not getting the results as expected, that is when most people started to doubt themselves and come to the point where they choose to give up.

Take me as an example. Being a blogger isn’t easy, especially for a full-time blogger who earns solely from the internet. There were many times I doubted myself because things just didn’t go according to plan.

But luckily, I remembered the decision that I have made — that I decided to make it happen no matter what. And that is what keeps me going until this day.

Imagine your goal is to start an online business and make a living from the internet. After 3 months of hard work, you fail to generate any income from your business, what would you do?

Most people will quit or look for another opportunity, but that’s NOT what successful people will do.

Extraordinary people are extraordinary because they decide to commit 100% and do it regardless of the condition.

They take action no matter whether they feel like doing it or not.

And that’s what separates the great from the ordinary. And if you want to join the league of the extraordinary, you have to do the same.

You have to make the decision and commit to taking massive action no matter the circumstances.

In other words, you want to be consistent with what you do.

You don’t want to do it for just a few days or weeks or even months.

You want to make the decision and commit to making it happen. There’s no quitting. There’s no ‘but’. And there’s certainly no backing up.

Remember, when you decide, it’s been decided. And you will do it no matter what.

So, make the second decision to achieve the success you desire in your life right now. And there’s no giving up until you get the results you want.

Action Steps:

Commit to the Rule of Five. Take 5 action steps that will progress you forward to your goals and dreams every day. I learned this principle from Jack canfield:

“If you would go every day to a very large tree and take 5 swings at it with a very sharp ax, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it would have to come down.”

All you need to do is to take baby steps every day. Remember, as Confucius said, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”

Here are some additional resources that will help:

3. The Decision to Learn and Grow

The third decision you want to make is the decision to learn and grow.

It is great when you believe in your dreams and commit to taking massive action, but it is when you commit to improvement that’s when your life truly changes.

You see, if you continue to do what you have been doing, you will be getting the same old results.

The only way to get different and better results is when you decide to learn, grow, and improve yourself to do something more effectively and efficiently.

It doesn’t matter whether it is for your professional or personal life, you want to commit to improvement to live a better and more successful life.

Those who don’t decide to improve will be stuck where they are. They will keep doing the same thing over and over again but expect to get a different result, which according to Albert Einstein, that is the definition of being insane.

Imagine you are playing a computer game. The character in the game is at level 5 and when you face an enemy at level 7, it will be a tough fight.

However, as you progress through the game and you level up your character to level 10, the same level 7 enemy will be a piece of cake.

That’s what you need to do in life as well — level up yourself.

If you are earning $5,000 a month, you must upgrade your skills to earn $10,000 a month.

And if you are earning $100,000 a year and you want to make it to the 7-figure mark, you too, must work on your skills and upgrade yourself so that you can earn 7 figures income and manage your finance properly.

This is why it is important to decide right now that you will work on growing and improving yourself.

Action Steps:

Make the decision that you will learn and improve in both your personal and professional life. Make it a habit to read and schedule time for learning. You can take courses, read books, and attend seminars and workshops to always improve and upgrade your skills. Better yet, get a mentor to show you the way.

You may want to check out these interesting resources:



Shawn Lim
Shawn Lim

Written by Shawn Lim

Hey, this is Shawn. I help achieve their goals and accomplish greater personal success in life. Check out my blog at

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