One Simple Hack to Instantly Increase Your Motivation and Take Immediate Action

Shawn Lim
5 min readMay 17, 2021

I know the fact that you are reading this means you are struggling in getting yourself motivated, or that you have had situations where you find it hard to execute and work on your goals because you lack motivation.

Let’s face it. Motivation comes and goes. And there are times when we feel extremely motivated to take action.

And there are also times when we don’t feel motivated at all and we just want to do nothing.

And let me tell you this. It is completely normal. Motivation is like your emotion. Sometimes you feel great, sometimes you don’t.

There’s nothing wrong with it.

However, how can keep yourself motivated and get things done when you don’t feel like it?

Is there any way you can keep your motivation high all the time? Or at least do something to increase your motivation whenever you want to, so that you can complete your work?

The short answer is yes…

One Simple Hack to Instantly Increase Your Motivation

Here’s what you need to understand: When you don’t like doing something, it is because the work isn’t interesting or pleasurable to you.

And doing the work means struggling with pain. And hence, you procrastinate and find it hard to execute the work.

Take exercise for instance. We all know that exercise is good for our body and health, but why do so many people skip their exercise plan?

Well, at some point, they feel that exercise is a pain and a struggle. Of course, this happens when they don’t have the motivation.

When the days they are pumped with motivation, they will just hit the gym and exercise like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Therefore, the key is in managing your ‘state’ or your level of motivation.

Either you increase your motivation so that you will have the willpower to get things done, or you decrease the resistance to the work that you want to get done.

In this guide, I’m going to share with you one simple hack to decrease the resistance to getting the work done…

Start with taking baby steps.

Yes, a simple and straightforward strategy, but it works effectively well, especially when you don’t have the motivation to do the work.

Here’s how you can make things work:

  • Instead of doing 50 push-ups, start with just 5.
  • Instead of writing 1,000 words article, start with just 100 words or write the first paragraph.
  • Instead of creating 10 follow-up emails, focus on getting one done, just one.
  • Instead of exercising for 60 minutes, commit to exercising for just 5 minutes.
  • Instead of reading one book, read just one page.

This is how you can lower the resistance and still get your work done.

Why You Want to Start Small

Do you know how Dale Carnegie, the famous and best-selling author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, came up with the book?

As I explained in my blog post, it was through the power of starting small.

At first, Carnegie prepared a short talk about the subject. But then the audience was interested in the topic. And soon, his short talk grew to become a full lecture.

After some time, Carnegie found that his audience required materials to understand the subject better. Hence, he printed the principles or rules from his talk on a card no larger than a postcard.

And soon enough, the card grew due to demand, he then printed the principles on a leaflet, then a series of booklets, each expanding in size and scope.

And after 15 years of experimentation, Carnegie ended up with the ground-breaking book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. And it all started with a small card.

1. Starting small requires less time and energy

Let me give you an example. If you want to lose weight, do you start with hitting the gym 3 hours a day for 7 days a week or do you start with just an hour a day for 3 days a week?

The first option sounds more powerful, but is it sustainable? Highly likely not.

This is because when you start big, it takes a lot of your energy and time. And when the resistance is high, your chances of giving up on it will be high too.

Thus, if you want to make your habit stick, make sure you start small. The key is to make the action easy to carry out so that the resistance will be lowered.

When something is easy to do, like brushing your teeth, you will never question yourself if you should do it. You just do.

2. Starting small prevents overwhelming and paralysis

Imagine you want to write a 300 pages book. You’re so pumped up with the idea because you believe your book can sell thousands of copies.

So, you set a target to finish the book in a week. Do you think this is achievable?

Well, there is a possibility, right? But, is the probability high? It just makes you feel overwhelmed.

This is why a lot of people fail to reach their goals because they set a goal that is so big that they set themselves up to fail.

3. Starting small grows your confidence and builds your momentum

Besides unclogging your brain to overcome paralysis, starting small also builds your momentum and confidence.

When you create small victories, you feel good.

And when you feel good, you will want to do more and take more action. When you take more action, you get even more results.

Success is a cycle. As Tony Robbins said:

“People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulling prophecy.”


By now, you should understand how the principle of starting small works.

Remember, whenever you don’t feel motivated, but need to get the work done, start small.

Whenever I don’t feel like creating content, I tell myself to take the baby steps. I don’t have to write the entire article; I just need to create the draft. And once I got started, the momentum comes, and I will continue to work on the article until I finish it.

The same goes for video publishing. Sometimes I felt lazy and no motivation to do it. But I tell myself that I don’t have to record the video, I just need to get the script done. Guess what, I ended up with my video published.

That’s how you can use this little hack to boost your motivation and energy to achieve your goals and accomplish your dreams.

If you want to learn more about motivation and success, visit my blog at



Shawn Lim

Hey, this is Shawn. I help achieve their goals and accomplish greater personal success in life. Check out my blog at