Mental Conditioning: How Your Limiting Beliefs Limit Your Success

Shawn Lim
4 min readApr 18, 2022

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.”
- Henry Ford

A group of scientists put a Barracuda fish into a big tank. The Barracuda is a fierce carnivore that hunts for prey with a large jaw and sharp teeth.

Then, the scientists place a glass panel in the middle of the tank, splitting the space into two parts. The fierce Barracuda was at one side, and on another side, the scientists put in some small fish.

At first, when the Barracuda saw the small fish, it swam over, and tried to chase, eat, and swallow the small fish. But because of the glass panel, the Barracuda was blocked and stopped. No matter how many times it tried, the Barracuda has no way to reach the small fish.

A few days later, the scientists removed the glass panel, allowing the Barracuda to swim freely in the tank, together with the small fish.

Surprisingly, the Barracuda did not try to chase or attack the small fish. It had bought into the belief that no matter how many times it tried, it can never reach the small fish, even without the glass panel there.

So, ask yourself, are you acting like the Barracuda?

Are you limiting yourself and stopping yourself from achieving greater success because of your limiting beliefs? Do you believe you are destined for big success?

Are You Trapped by Your Own Limiting Beliefs?

When you were young, you have crystal clear ambitions and dreams. Try to ask a 5-year-old what he aspires to be, and he will tell you he wants to be an astronaut, a teacher, a policeman, etc.

Whatever his dreams, he’s crystal clear about what he wanted. But as he grows up, he faced a lot of rejections and nos. People keep telling him that he can’t do this, and he can’t do that.

He did try to pursue what he wanted, but he failed.

And then slowly, he bought into the belief that he can’t have everything he wanted. And eventually, he grew up becoming like most people, living in mediocrity, playing small, and buying into the belief that his dreams are a mere fallacy.

Does this happen to you? Are you limiting yourself because of what you believe?

You can choose to believe whatever you want.

You can choose to believe that you are smart, clever, handsome, cool, talented, a good writer, hard-working, someone who never gives up on his dream, destined for big success, etc.

On the other hand, you can choose to believe that you are not good with writing, you can’t speak English because it is not your first language, your math is not good, running a business can be hard, the economy is soft now, things are difficult, etc.

Whatever you choose to believe, it will become your reality.

When Les Brown was young, people labeled him “education mentally retarded”. And he bought into that limiting belief.

Until one day, he met a teacher who changed his life and told him these words:

“Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality.”

That was the turning point for young Les. He started to believe he could be whoever he wanted to be. He believed that he could achieve anything he wanted in his life.

Today, Les Brown, the kid who was labeled “education mentally retarded” and born with the attention-deficit disorder has become one of the world’s most inspirational speakers.

Unchained Yourself from Limiting Beliefs

If you want to be successful, you must adopt beliefs that will empower you to reach your goals and live your dreams.

Most people are trapped because of their own mental conditioning. And most people fail to move forward and live the life they want because of their limiting beliefs.

Hence, if you are serious about achieving great success and you want to live a better life, the first thing you need to do is to get rid of your limiting beliefs.

Don’t trap yourself in your own mental conditioning. Here’s a great saying from Les Brown…

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”

Most of the time, the thing that stops you from living your best life is… YOU.

You don’t want to be stopped by anyone, including yourself.

When someone tells you that something is impossible, don’t buy into it.

Whether you believe you can do it or you can’t, you are right.

How you live your life and what results you get are greatly impacted by your beliefs. Some beliefs are empowering, while some are limiting.

The key is to identify what are the limiting beliefs that stop you from getting ahead, and then get rid of them.

Choose to believe in something that will support and enrich you and your life.

Don’t let your own mental condition turn you into the barracuda or chain you like an elephant. Once you break free, you will become unstoppable and success will be within reach.

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Shawn Lim

Hey, this is Shawn. I help achieve their goals and accomplish greater personal success in life. Check out my blog at