I get it, you want to achieve your goals and stick to your plans and habits. But somewhere along the journey, you don’t feel motivated, you lack the drive, and you stop taking action.
Maintaining your momentum is one of the most common roadblocks that prevent most people from taking action, reaching their goals, and creating the success they want in life.
Regardless of whether you want to lose weight, eat healthily, save money, write a book, start a blog, grow an online business, etc., it’s hard to stick to your goals and take action when you lack momentum and motivation.
And in this guide, I’m going to share with you 3 little tips on how you can maintain your momentum and stick to your plan until you achieve the goals you desire.
1. Start with one small step
So how do you maintain your momentum and stick to your goals? The first thing you can do is to start with just one small and simple step.
If you want to keep your momentum going, you need to start small and simple.
The reason is simple, smaller steps require less energy and motivation to execute. That means the resistance to doing the task or the work will be less.
Remember, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself with big and difficult tasks, especially when you don’t have the drive. You want to start with smaller and easier tasks.
For example, if you are a blogger and you want to publish a blog post, you don’t have to look at it as one big task.
Instead, break it down into several smaller tasks that are easier to manage. For example, you can…
- Come up with the article title.
- Draft the article with subheadings and main points.
- Write the introduction.
- Write content.
- Write the conclusion
- Proofread the article and edit the error.
- Add relevant images and links.
- And then publish it.
And that’s how you get things done.
And that’s how I get all my videos and blog posts published as well.
All I need to do is to focus on getting the smaller steps done. I tell myself I don’t have to do write the entire article.
I just need to commit to taking the first step, which is to identify the article title. And once I did that, the momentum will come, and I will continue to work more and take more action.
The same goes for everything you want to accomplish in your life.
You don’t have to focus on the big task. You just need to commit to taking one small step.
You don’t have to exercise for 60 minutes. You just need to change your sports attire.
If you want to become a blogger or a YouTuber, you don’t need to have 1,000 followers or subscribers.
You just need to get started. You just need to publish your first piece of content.
And then another, and another, and another. And so on. And that’s how you grow a blog or a YouTube channel.
That’s how you maintain your motivation and momentum.
You commit to the minimum, which is to get the first step done.
2. Celebrate and reward your progress
And the next thing you can do is to celebrate and reward yourself for the work you have done. Even if it is just a small little step, give yourself a positive pep-talk to encourage yourself to take more action.
When you celebrate, you are acknowledging your hard work. You are telling yourself that you’re doing good, and this actually gives you more energy to go on.
Why do you think athletes celebrate their wins? When they score a point, they celebrate, right? They know that when they feel good about their small victories, more victories will come.
Now, you don’t have to throw up a party every night just because you have an exercise for 5 minutes.
The point is that you want to make yourself feel good about your decision and action. The better you feel, the more action you will take.
And that’s one simple and easy way to keep your momentum high.
For instance, you can also reward yourself with a great dinner if you reach your weekly goal. And if you achieve your monthly target, you can give yourself an even bigger reward. But you don’t have to start big, you just need to start small.
If I accomplish my daily tasks, I give myself an hour of free time to do something I look forward to. And you want your reward to be something that you look forward to getting.
When there’s something you look forward to, you are more likely to stick to your plan and get the thing done.
3. Get an accountability partner
And the third way to maintain your momentum is through getting an accountability partner.
Think about it, when nobody is watching, you tend to procrastinate, right? Because there’s no one to monitor your progress.
On the other hand, when someone is watching you, you feel the pressure. You don’t dare to procrastinate. You will stick to your plan and take action until you get the work done.
When you want to exercise in the gym, but it rains, it makes you feel lazy, right? But if a friend is waiting for you in the gym to exercise together, your chance of hitting the gym becomes much higher.
The same goes for everything in your personal life and at work.
When you have a business partner to work on a proposal together, you will make better progress than when you have to do it all by yourself.
When you know you have an appointment with someone important, you schedule everything around the appointment.
That’s how you’re able to maintain your momentum and stick to your plan.
So, these are the 3 little tips on how you can maintain your momentum and keep your motivation high.
First, always start small. Remember this quote from Confucius:
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
Second, celebrate and reward yourself for the progress you have made. No matter how big or small your progress, make yourself feel great about it. The more you celebrate, the more there is to celebrate.
And third, get an accountability partner. When someone is involved, your commitment and your momentum will be much higher.
So, how do you maintain your momentum in your everyday life? Leave your comment and let me know.
If you want to learn more about maintaining your motivation and momentum, read this guide: https://stunningmotivation.com/keep-your-momentum-going/