How to Do Your Best at Anything

Discover 3 amazing tips on how you can do your best and go all out to achieve your goals and create success in what you do.

Shawn Lim
5 min readJul 10, 2020
do your best

“Do your best!” This is one of the most common pieces of advice we often heard. You know that you should do your best at everything you want to achieve outstanding results in, but why do you need to do your best and how do you make sure you’re really doing your best?

No matter what you want to achieve in life, you need to do your best if you want to produce extraordinary results.

In school, you can study half-heartedly and still manage to pass your exams.

At work, you can scrape by and still manage to make a living if you are not doing your work with your highest performance.

However, if you want to succeed and achieving amazing results, you need to do your best. You can’t approach your work with a half-hearted attempt because if you do that, all you get is a half-baked result.

Just like building a blog. As a blogger, I know that if I want to build a successful blog, I need to go all out and put in my best effort to make my blog successful.

If I treat my blog as a hobby, guess what, I will receive hobby-like results.

The same principle applies to everything you do in life. Unless you just want to live by, you need to put in your full effort to achieve outstanding results.

You can’t produce extraordinary success if you are not willing to do the extra. Without the extra, all you get is ordinary. That’s why the word is called “extra-ordinary”.

So, how do you do your best, play all out, and go at your maximum potential? Here are 3 suggestions…

1. Build accountability

It is easy to say you want to become a millionaire or to start an internet business, but if you are not holding yourself accountable, you will never do it.

Success is about taking action, not just talking. And one way to get yourself into doing is to put yourself in a position where you can’t procrastinate.

The best way to do so is to get yourself an accountability partner.

Imagine if you need to report to your supervisor on your work progress at the end of every workday, how does that make you feel? Stressed, right? That’s exactly why it works.

When you’re stressed and pressured, you will not procrastinate. You will do the work because you know someone is monitoring you. And you can’t get away if you did not get the work done.

According to a study conducted by Dr. Gail Matthews from Dominican University, she discovered that when people are required to send a weekly progress report to an accountability partner, they tend to accomplish the work and increase their chances of hitting their targets.

Therefore, get yourself an accountability partner. And every week, send him or her your progress report. This is how you can create the accountability to go all out.

2. Do it together

If you want to do your best, you need to do it together with someone else. You can’t do it alone because first, you lack accountability, and second, you don’t have someone to encourage you when you are down.

Do you know that most successful people didn’t start alone? They started with friends and someone who they trusted.

Walt Disney did not start alone. He started with his brother, Roy Disney.

Steve Jobs did not start Apple alone, he did it with his good friend, Steve Wozniak.

The same went for Elon Musk. He co-founded Zip2 with his brother, Kimbal.

Thus, don’t do it alone. When you try to do things alone, you will lonely and you lack the inspiration and encouragement from a partner.

Think about sports. In team sports like basketball, players have their team members to encourage each other to win the match.

What about single-player sports? Like bowling, tennis, and golf? Well, those who make it to the top have coaches and mentors. They don’t do it alone either.

That’s why if you want to do your best, it is better to involve others. When there are members and partners to encourage and inspire each other, the team can go further.

More importantly, there is accountability. When you are doing everything by yourself, there is no one there to monitor your progress and you can slack off because no one knows.

3. Create the commitment

The more you commit to something, the more you are going to do your best and push yourself for it.

Here’s an example. Do you like football? If you do, you watch the games, especially the World Cup, right? But what if you bet in those games? How does that make you feel and your level of excitement?

You see, when you bet in a game, your money is at stake and you become more committed to the game. You want your team to win because you have bet on them. You shout, you jump, and you become emotional when your team wins or loses.

On the contrary, when there is no betting involved, you don’t really care about who’s winning. Yes, you may feel a little disappointed when your favorite team loss, but it doesn’t affect you that much.

It is the same in business. If you start a business and invest your whole life’s saving into the business, you will want to make sure the business work.

You will do everything you can to make the business profitable. You become committed, able to wake up at 5 AM, work extremely hard, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure your business is running smoothly.

That’s the difference between being committed and being interested.

When you are committed, you are more willing to go all out and play at your best. But when you are interested, you treat it like a hobby, you try with a half-hearted approach, and you don’t mind if you lose.

And when you don’t mind losing, that’s when you will lose.

This is why being 100% committed to your goals and what you do is important. The more committed you are, the more effort you are willing to put in to make things work.

So, remember, if you want to do your best at anything, make sure you follow the 3 suggestions in this article:

1. Build the accountability and report your progress to your partner,

2. Involve someone else in your work and do it together. Get a partner and don’t do it alone, and

3. Put in 100% commitment by increasing your stake. The more committed you are, the more likely you will do your best to achieve the results you want.



Shawn Lim
Shawn Lim

Written by Shawn Lim

Hey, this is Shawn. I help achieve their goals and accomplish greater personal success in life. Check out my blog at

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