How to Become Successful at What You Do… With Just ONE Simple Step
I love the story Russell Brunson shared in his book — Expert Secrets — where Dean Graziosi told him about how comedians tell jokes and landed every time…
“You know how, when you watch an amazing comedian perform onstage on a late-night talk show, every joke he tells lands perfectly?
You find yourself wondering, “How is this guy so funny?” But what you don’t realize is that over the last 10 years of his journey to become a comedian, he would write out 10 jokes, go to the closest dive bar, stand up on stage, and deliver his jokes.
He probably watched as one or two of the 10 jokes landed, and the rest bombed. He would then go back home, take the 2 jokes that landed, and write 8 new ones. The next week he would find a new place to perform, deliver his 10 jokes, and find out that only one of his new jokes landed.
He goes back to his apartment and starts the process over again, doing this week after week, year after year, until he’s found his 10 jokes.
Now he’s ready. That’s when we get to see him, after he’s perfected the material, when he stands up and lands every joke on the biggest stage in the world.”
From Blogger to Best-Selling Author
James suffered a debilitating brain injury that forced him to discover a new, better, and more productive way of living.
His journey to recovery took him to a new understanding of habits and the power of stacking simple and easy habits on top of the other to create change and build momentum.
And along his journey, James created a blog to talk about his findings and shared his discoveries about how developing easy-to-form habits have changed his life.
In the early days, James wrote and published twice a week on his blog, every Tuesday and Thursday. After a few years down the road, this little action became a habit that grew his blog into a stellar success.
But what’s even more interesting to note is that James looks at publishing on his blog as a numbers game. Some days, he wrote and published great articles. But most days, he wrote and published so-so articles.
Over time, his skills improved, and his blog grew to receive hundreds of thousands of visitors every month, craving for his amazing and inspiring content.
James then got a contract to write a book. And his book is one of the must-read books about habits called Atomic Habits.
The ONE Step You Need to Take to Become Successful at What You Do
By now, I believe the answer is clear to you. So, what do you need to do to become successful at what you do?
The short and simple answer — Find out what you want to be good at, do it repeatedly and improve your skills along the way.
There are no shortcuts.
- If you think that you can become a successful comedian who tells 10 jokes and all the 10 jokes will land, then you’re wrong.
- If you think that you can become a successful blogger or best-selling author overnight without going through the hard work, then you’re wrong too.
I love how Lionel Messi said in one of his advertisements…
“I start early and I stay late, day after day, year after year. It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success.” — Lionel Messi
Becoming successful at what you do doesn’t need to be complicated. And it has no secret either.
You just need to find out the ONE thing where you want to be great at, and then work on it day and night. Just like how Russell Brunson did it…
How Russell Brunson Built a Hundred-Million Dollars Business Empire Using This ONE Step
Russell took Dean Graziosi’s story of how a comedian became successful seriously. And he decided that he wanted to be great at selling his products to as many people as possible.
As an internet marketer and also an entrepreneur, Russell has co-founded a software called ClickFunnels.
At that time, he was selling ClickFunnels through live webinars. And he understood that to build a successful business, he needed to focus on selling ClickFunnels until he succeeded with it, without switching to other businesses or products.
In his presentation for his webinar, he could sell about $30k, which is not a bad result, but Russell knew he could do better.
This was what he wrote in his best-selling book, Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Creating a Mass Movement of People Who Will Pay for Your Advice…
“I was supposed to give the same presentation to another group of entrepreneurs a few hours later, so I decided to look at all the questions that people had asked during the earlier presentation. I downloaded their questions and comments and read through them.
Quickly, I was able to see four or five places in the presentation when I could tell people were really confused by what I was saying, or the offer wasn’t clear, so I went back to my slides and added in new things to make sure people’s questions were answered before they asked them.
A few hours later, I delivered this revised presentation to a smaller group of 500 entrepreneurs, and this time we sold $120k live! I repeated this same process 60-plus times over the next 12 months — doing a live webinar, exporting questions, and adjusting the presentation.”
That’s how Russell made it. He wasn’t born a champion speaker, but he learned and improved through it.
“I would create a presentation, and then I would deliver the same presentation live every week for a year, until I had it perfected.” Said Russell in his book.
Russell makes the decision to deliver his live webinar every week and improve his presentation through the entire year before he automates the entire process.
Can you do that?
If there’s a price you need to pay to become successful, this is it — you’ve got to repeat and improve this ONE thing until you mastered it.
Are You Willing to Pay the Price for Success?
No matter what it is that you want to achieve in your life, you can get it, if you become so good at it that people can’t ignore you…
- If you want to build a successful blog, you need to make it a commitment to build and market your blog day-in and day-out until your blog overflows with visitors.
- If you want to become a best-selling author, you need to write and improve your writing every day until you become so good that people want to share your book with their friends.
- If you want to be a successful fitness coach, you need to work on your training routine and upgrade your work so that you can help your fellow trainees to gain better results faster.
There’s no other way. There’s no shortcut.
If you want to succeed at what you do, you need to be willing to work for it and pay the price of getting good at what you do.
I suggest you read Russell Brunson’s book, Expert Secrets, to get inspired by his story and how he successfully launched his business, ClickFunnels to a $100 million empire in just 3 years, without any funding.