How Jack Canfield Manifest His First Million Using Law of Attraction

Shawn Lim
9 min readAug 14, 2020


How Jack Canfield Manifest His First Million Using Law of Attraction

I know, you may think that the Law of Attraction is a lie. Just because it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t mean that it is not working. Perhaps, you are the one that isn’t working.

A lot of people think that the Law of Attraction is all about thinking and visualizing what they want, but it is not. It is far more than that.

You can’t just dream about becoming a millionaire and then just sit there and do nothing. The money isn’t going to magically appear in your bank account. No, things don’t work that way.

Just like if you want to own your dream car, you can’t just think about it and live in the dream. You need to do something about it. Unless you do something about it, your dream car isn’t going to show up for no reason in your garage.

You have to work for your dream.

One of my favorite success coach, Jack Canfield, is a great example of why and how the Law of Attraction works.

In one of my blog posts, I shared the story of how Jack Canfield manifested his first million dollars and catapult his success to stardom…

How Jack Canfield Manifested His Dreams

Jack Canfield, the author of Chicken Soup For The Soul and also one of the gurus featured in “The Secret,” has experienced the power of manifestation himself.

When Jack was in his twenties, he worked for W. Clement Stone, his mentor in the personal development industry. And being Jack’s mentor, Mr. Clement Stone asked Jack to set a goal so big and so unbelievable.

Jack agreed and followed his mentor’s advice, saying that he wanted to make $100,000 in the next calendar year.

At that time, Jack had a job as a schoolteacher that was earning him only $8,000 a year. Thus, to make $100,000, that would be twelve times his income! He did not see how he could do that.

However, Jack went ahead anyway and set his goal to hit $100,000 income mark. So every day, he would visualize having earned that amount of money. He made a $100,000 bill by taking a hundred-dollar bill and traced it on a flip chart. He then added three zeros at the back, so it looked like a $100,000 bill.

What Jack did next was to take the $100,000 bill he made and put it on the ceiling above his bed.

Thus, every morning when he wakes up, he saw the hundred-thousand-dollar bill, and then he would say his affirmation, ‘God is my unlimited supply. May large sums of money come to me quickly and easily under the grace of God, for the highest good of all concerned. I am easily earning, saving, and investing a $100,000 a year.”

After that, he will close his eyes and visualize living a $100,000 lifestyle. What his house would look like, what car he would drive, what charities he would like to contribute to and more.

And then he would take a shower and started his work as a teacher.

At that time, he had also written a book called “A Hundred Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the Classroom.”

Jack would make 25 cents every time he sold a copy of the book. His average income from selling the book was about $2,000 a year.

After doing the visualization process every day, one day, an idea suddenly hit him. It was his $100,000 idea. The idea is this, what if he could sell 400,000 copies of his book? This is because the only thing he can leverage on was his book and if he can manage to sell 400,000 copies, he would achieve his dream of earning $100,000.

Well, his book has been on the market for about 2 years, but the sales were not a big hit. However, he made that his goal, to sell 400,000 copies of his book.

Once Jack started to see the possibilities and activate the Law of Attraction through visualization, opportunities started to flow to him.

One day, he saw the Reader’s Digest, and he noticed that it has millions of readers in more than 37 languages.

Instantly, he knew he could leverage on Reader’s Digest to sell 400,000 copies of his book. Thus, he called them up to check the advertisement space, but it was too expensive.

But then his wife suggested him to write articles for Reader’s Digest instead of buying an ad space there. And so Jack wrote an article and sent to Reader’s Digest, but it got rejected.

After a couple of weeks later, he saw National Enquirer and noticed that they had 12 million readers weekly. So he called up to check out the cost of advertising, but it was too expensive.

What Jack did next was he included Reader’s Digest and National Enquirer into his visualization.

And a miracle started to happen. After a few months later, when Jack was doing a talk at Hunter College, a lady approached him and said, “I’d like to interview you.” And Jack asked, “Who are you writing for?” And she said, “I’m a freelancer, but mostly I sell to the National Enquirer.”

All this may sound like a coincidence, but it will never happen if Jack never put his goal to make $100,000 in the first place.

So Jack agreed to the interview, and his book sales started to grow. After that, another idea came to Jack when his wife ordered something through the mail. His wife suggested him to do mail order bookstore.

That way, Jack could sell his book and make $3 a copy instead of a quarter.

Things started to grow even faster when they decided to take ads in magazines. Jack also took his book to educational conferences and sold them there.

Another idea came, and they included a catalog with tapes and audiobooks on self-esteem, parenting, and more for people who bought their books. It was a 32-product catalog. They sold, even more, products and made even more money.

The real explosion came when the University of Massachusetts had a weekend educator workshop and conference and asked Jack to take part.

At that weekend alone, they made $2,000 net profit. So Jack thought to himself if he could do that every week, he will be making $100,000!

At the same time, Jack was also doing consulting and giving talks, charging $300 a day to go into schools to teach other teachers.

Jack said he would never ask for more money if he did not set his goal of making $100,000 a year.

Therefore, he increased his speaking fee to $800. There was a time when Jack was talking to a friend and his friend asked him what he got for his speaks, he said $800. His friend was amazed and asked him how he did it, Jack answered, “I asked for it.”

At first, Jack was afraid that his speaking charge was too expensive and people will reject him. So he practiced for a week saying $800, over and over again.

He would look into the mirror and said to himself, “What is your fee?” And he would answer to himself, “$800”, just to get used to it.

Now, at the end of the year, did Jack Canfield made $100,000 and achieved his goal? No, he did not. He made $92,326. However, do you think he and his wife were disappointed? Not at all! They have increased their income more than ten times in less than a year.

Then his wife said, “If it worked for $100,000, do you think it will work for a million?”

Jack told his wife he did not know, but they could try. It had taken Jack and his wife several years longer before they manifested a million dollars.

Today, Jack Canfield is a famous author, speaker, and personal development guru. He had co-authored his Chicken Soup series books in more than 250 titles and sold more than 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages.

7 Tips How to Manifest Your Dreams

If you are serious about manifesting your dreams and making your goals a reality, you need to read the best-selling book by Jack Canfield, called The Success Principles.

the success principles
Get this book from Amazon.

This is a very inspirational book where I highly recommend you to read. In the book, Sir Canfield explained the principles, techniques, and strategies he used to achieve extraordinary success in life.

Now, if you want to manifest your dreams and make the Law of Attraction works for you, you need to follow these 7 tips below…

1. Know what you want

First, before you can manifest the things that you want, you need to find out what it is that you want. Many people want something vague and abstract like they want to be happy, or they want to be rich.

These are very general wishes that most people desire. If you want to make your dreams a reality, you need to be more specific. You can’t just say that you want to be happy or healthy. Think about it, what has to happen in order for you to feel happy? What are the conditions for you to feel healthy?

Make your goals crystal clear so that you can give clear instructions to your mind and the universe to attract what you want into your life.

2. Believe in it

Do you sincerely believe that what you want is possible and that you have the ability to achieve it? Most people don’t, and that’s why they are not doing anything about it.

If you know that you can’t fail, what business are you going venture into? If you know every stock you pick is going to be a winner, are you going to sit and do nothing? Of course not. If you know you can’t fail, you will take the necessary action and do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

When you truly believe with 100% of your heart, things are never going to be the same. You will notice the opportunities that were there, which you didn’t notice before. And you will start seeing things progressing toward you.

3. Work out a plan

You can’t just dream and then hope that things will come true to you. You need to formulate a plan and put things into perspective.

When you don’t have a plan, you will end up as someone else’s plan. You need to know what you need to do to achieve your goals. As I said, you can’t achieve things without taking action.

First, you create the intention in your mind. And then you connect your dreams with the real world through actions. And without a plan, you will never know where you’re going. Your plan is like a lighthouse, showing you which direction to take.

4. Take massive and consistent action

Yes, you have to take massive and consistent action. You can’t just sit and wait for things to fall to your lap. If you are truly committed to manifest your dreams and make the Law of Attraction works for you, you can’t just do nothing.

The Law of Attraction only works when you are willing to work on it. If you are not doing anything at all, it simply shows that you don’t believe in yourself and your dreams.

5. Mentally condition yourself with your dreams

And every day, you need to mentally condition yourself with what you want to achieve. See yourself as a successful person who has achieved your goals. You believe that your dreams will eventually come true, right? So live with it right now. Feel the feeling and enjoy your moment.

Besides, read personal development books and any other related books that will increase your knowledge of your goals. Every day, condition your mind with positive thoughts and visualize your goals.

Practice affirmations, create vision boards and review your goals daily. The more you condition your dreams into your mind, the more you’re going to believe in it, and the more likely you’re going to achieve them.

6. Listen to the feedback and intuition

Most of the time, things may not come true easily and smoothly. Hence, you need to listen to the feedback and trust your intuition.

When your plan doesn’t work, improve your strategy. Make a new plan. Listen and learn from your feedback. You will never know what is going to happen in the future, thus, you will need to trust your intuition.

Sometimes, things may turn out completely different from what you have planned, but having a plan is better than no plan at all. Plus, when you have a plan and you listen to your intuition, things will become smoother and you can reach your dreams faster.

7. Celebrate

Finally, you have to celebrate all your wins. I like how Oprah Winfrey puts it, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

Where the focus goes, energy flows. Meaning, if you celebrate your wins, guess what you will be getting? More wins. This is how successful people keep their momentum and maintain their drive. They focus on their wins. They focus on where they want to go. And they celebrate their wins, even if they are just small milestones.

The more you celebrate and feel good about you’re your progress and victories, the more success you are going to create. That’s how you manifest your dreams and make Law of Attraction works for you.



Shawn Lim

Hey, this is Shawn. I help achieve their goals and accomplish greater personal success in life. Check out my blog at