Do you set goals but you don’t feel motivated for them? You know what you want to achieve in your life, but you just don’t seem to have the energy and the motivation to stick to your plan and take the necessary action.
If this is what happens to you, continue to read on because you are about to discover the 7 key reasons why most people lack motivation for their goals.
There are 2 key factors in play: The first factor that determines your motivation toward your goals is from within.
For instance, when you don’t believe in your goals or that you are capable to achieve your goals, you will never feel motivated. Or if you don’t find your goals to be meaningful, you won’t feel motivated too.
And the second key factor is the goal that you set itself. For example, If your goal isn’t specific and is too general, it won’t create the drive within you.
Or when you have too many goals to pursue, you don’t know where to begin and it makes you feel overwhelmed.
These are the 2 main factors that influenced your motivation toward your goals.
Let us discuss the 7 reasons why you don’t feel motivated for your goals and what you can do to solve them…
1. Your Goals Are Not Meaningful for You
First, if your goal isn’t meaningful for you, you will never feel driven to achieve them. Think about it, if your target is not something that truly matters to you, why bother to achieve it, right?
This is why you want to set a goal that matters to you. You want your goals to be meaningful to you.
And this is subjective and different for everyone. For people like Elon Musk, he doesn’t have to work that hard after he profited from selling PayPal to eBay. But because he has a meaningful goal for interstellar travel, he started SpaceX and Tesla.
Hence, find out what is meaningful to you. The goals you set must be something that matters to you and your life.
Without the meaning, you will never feel driven to take action on your goals.
2. You Don’t Believe You Can Do It
The second inner reason is that you don’t believe you can achieve your goals or the goals are possible.
When you don’t believe in something, you will never put in 100% commitment to doing it.
Think about it, when you don’t believe in something, you will never do it with your full heart.
The Wright Brothers truly believed that they could invent something that could fly. This was why they kept on trying because they knew they were going to make it. They believed in their dreams, 100% of the time.
Even after they failed countless times, the Wright Brothers didn’t give up because in their hearts and minds, their dreams were already accomplished. They just need to find a way to materialize it.
You have to be the same. Believe in yourself that you can do it. Believe in your goals that they are possible.
Things may be difficult, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to achieve the goals you desire. Thus, have faith and believe that you can do it.
3. You Don’t Have Passion for Your Goals
Do you set goals but don’t have the passion to do the work or carry out the activity necessary? When there is no passion for the goal, you will have a difficult time taking action.
Most people set a financial goal to save a portion of their income. But because of the lack of passion, they don’t really follow through.
The same goes for fitness goals. If you are overweight and you set a goal to get back in shape, without the passion for exercise, it will be difficult to achieve the goal.
People who don’t like exercise will find it difficult to stick to their exercise plan. Similarly, if you set a goal to build an internet business like a blog or to become a successful YouTuber, you need to have a passion for it.
Without passion, you will find yourself working on the goal for just a few short days, and after that, you won’t have the motivation to stick to your plan anymore.
Therefore, develop a passion for your goals. Dig deeper and get involved with your goals and all activities related to your goals.
The more you get to understand and execute the goal, the more passionate you will become.
In my masterclass, Goal Setting Formula, I shared the “Dig It Deeper” strategy to develop your passion for your goals and what you do. You should join me in the masterclass.
4. Your Goals Are Not Specific Enough
When your goals are not specific enough, you will fall into the trap of inaction. Why? This is because when your goals are vague, your mind doesn’t know what you want it to do.
The more specific your goals, the better your mind can formulate an action plan and work on the plan.
The key is to be as specific as possible.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you can set a goal such as “I will exercise every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for 30 minutes from 5 PM.”
Rather than being vague, like “I want to lose 10 pounds.”
When you are specific with what you want, it will be easier for your mind to understand what it is that you want, hence, you can give your mind specific instructions of what you want it to do.
5. Your Goals Are Not Exciting
Are your goals exciting to get you out of your bed every morning? Are your goals exciting enough that you are willing to skip movies and games and to work on your goals?
This is common sense. We don’t feel motivated toward things that don’t excite us. When your goals are exciting, you will never procrastinate on them because they are excited to work on.
Therefore, make your goals as exciting as possible. If you don’t know how to do that, take my masterclass.
6. You Have Too Many Goals and Are Overwhelmed
It is a great idea to have 100 goals, but when it comes to focusing, you can’t focus on all of them.
If you try to work on all 100 of your goals, you will feel overwhelmed and will zap your energy away. You want to focus on just 1 or 2 goals only.
It is always better to have a fully completed project that gives an impact on your life than to have 10 incompletes that have no impact on your life at all.
Hence, focus on just one goal at a time. Set a 90-day goal and focus on accomplishing the goal. Every day, work on the goal. And make sure the goal you set is your most impactful goal.
If you want to have to 2 goals, set one for your professional/career goal, and another as your personal goal.
You can’t chase 2 rabbits at the same time. If you do that, you will lose both the rabbits. Focus on the most important goal and make it a commitment to do everything you can until you achieve it.
7. Your Environment Doesn’t Support Your Goals
The final reason most people lack motivation for their goals is that their environment isn’t supporting them.
Just like if you try to read a book in a noisy wet market, you will find it is difficult to focus to read. Your rate of failure will increase in a non-supporting environment.
This is why successful gurus always suggest you network with positive people because you don’t want to get influenced by negative people who will talk you out of your goals.
The same goes for the environment you are in. Make sure your environment and your surrounding are supporting you and positively influencing you to reach your goals.
When the environment is motivating, you will have more energy and feel more motivated to work on your goals and to achieve them.
Goal setting is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to help you achieve the success your want in life. Regardless of whether it is in your business, career, health, relationship, or personal life, you can achieve your goals when you follow the tips I shared above.
If you want to learn more about me and my work, visit and download a free guidebook called “Reach Your Goals’.
In the short guidebook, I share 3 secret techniques about how anyone can achieve their goals faster than they thought possible.